Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Check out our FAQ below.


What is LittlePlanets?

LittlePlanets is an ephemeral microcommunity for sharing posts, thoughts, messages, and photos with friends! You create a little planet, send the URL to your friends, and upon viewing they'll be inhabitants immediately, no account required by anyone.

How do I get started?

With one click, create your Little Planet, then share the link with friends. They can only join your world if they have your unique link.

How do I share my planet?

Once you create your Planet, simply copy the link and send it to whomever you like.

Is it true that nobody needs an account?

Correct. There's no sign-up required. Access is granted by the creator of the planet by sharing the URL.

I found a bug. What do I do?

Look for the "Report a Bug" link in the footer of the page and let us know about it. We'll resolve it as quickly as we can.


How do I delete my planet?

When you create a planet, you'll be given a planet admin code. You can use this code to delete your planet at any time. Also, by default, planets automatically self-destruct after 7 days.

I can't find / lost a planet. What do I do?

It's highly suggested you save your planet to your bookmarks to avoid losing it. If you forgot to save your planet's bookmark, you might be able to find it by using your browser's History feature. Beyond that, you might be able to reach out directly to one of your planet's inhabitants to ask them for the link.

How do I add a photo to my post?

You can add a photo to your post by clicking the "Add Photo" button in the post editor or pasting into the body of your post.

I want my planet to last forever! How do I do that?

We're working on a feature that will allow you to save your planet for a small fee. We'll let you know when it's ready.

What happens to my content after the planet self-destructs?

All content is permanently deleted from our servers. We don't keep any backups or archives.


How private are these planets?

Very private. Only people with the unique link can access a planet. There's no public directory or search function.